Google Alphabet Soup. Guide to all companies Google.

There has been so much discussion around the restructuring of Google I thought it would be helpful to post a complete list of all of the Google companies along with some key articles to better understand the restructure. The depth and breadth of their holdings are massive. The ratio of innovation and disruption across the […]

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Using Brand Data to develop the right content.

The traditional television networks had to be all things to all people. In order to distribute their content, they needed deep infrastructure along with multiple broadcast, cable and FCC licensing agreements. Today everyone is a broadcaster and the costs are minimal. Brands used to have to buy their way into a network’s broader audience – […]

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The next big thing in digital content…those little cable channels you never heard of.

And they thought cable was dead…well it is…kind of…at least as a bundled content package… …but everything is now migrating OTT… …and content is king…giving those little guys a huge opportunity. Think about all of the little cable channels you never heard of. Niche networks serving niche audiences with specific programming that never got the […]

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Is #VR our new reality?

Let me get a bit esoteric for a minute. We hunger for things that have the promise to transform us. Our search for meaning has always led us to want to understand the origin of life itself. We use science and technology to play creator in order to get us closer to the answer. Advancements in […]

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