Google Alphabet Soup. Guide to all companies Google.

There has been so much discussion around the restructuring of Google I thought it would be helpful to post a complete list of all of the Google companies along with some key articles to better understand the restructure. The depth and breadth of their holdings are massive. The ratio of innovation and disruption across the […]

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Why the TV Networks should start their own MCNs.

While Hollywood was sleeping against a backdrop of cat videos, the democratization of media delivered power back into the hands of the content creators. Multi-Channel Networks (MCN), a combination of digital channel curators and digital talent agents jumped at the opportunity to sort the (YouTube) wheat from the chaff. The MCNs signed on the best […]

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Waking up to meditation instead of technology.

Far too many of us start our day, while still in bed, by reaching for our phones. What might start out as a lazy, luxurious excercise of checking the weather, news or our social feeds, soon turns into text and email…and just like that we project ourselves into the middle of our fast-paced, never-ending to-do-list of a day…body tense and heart pounding […]

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Why are the Digital NewFronts starting to look more and more like the UpFronts?

This week will wrap up the iab’s Digital Content NewFronts in NY for 2014. The digital marketplace, originally founded by Digitas and a core group of digital networks in order to connect media buyers with original digital video content marketing opportunities is now attended by every media luminary in the business. As the digital content powerhouses (full […]

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